Yes! Always!

A man reaches the ripe old age of too-old, and he has the right to look at himself in the mirror and recognise that he finally looks like himself, he has become, he has reached his advent. And yet I just looked in the mirror… And I looked like Orson Welles! And not blazing young... Continue Reading →

Trueloves Hide: “the Circus is in town…”

Ms Araceli Nath comes to Trueloves Hall...Trueloves Hide - Chapter Five: "The Prodigal Butcher" Araceli Nath shuddered up the shriven high street towards the gates to Trueloves Hall, coat pulled tight against both the evening’s storm and the sudden mad passage of time. As Araceli passed the bric-a-brac store, Penny Fledge’s words came back to... Continue Reading →

Glasgow’s Crocodile…

The Strange Story of Sir Tristan Farquhar and the Kelvinside Kelpie… My friend and I were walking down the river, threading through Glasgow on our way to TARDIS’s, book fairs, murder mansions and rugby games, when she stopped and scampered over to a plaque… I think it’s worth quoting in full… In June 1821, rumours... Continue Reading →

“The Terror” by Arthur Machen

I just read this passage, from Machen’s story “The Terror” - written around 1916 and grafting the modern dreadful ravages of World War I to the ancient awful horrors of the unseen world - and it struck me as transcending both those mighty nightmares to confront us in our comfortably numb 21st Century butcher shops... Continue Reading →

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